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5 Keys to Sharing Your Faith Without Being a Jerk

1. Make everyone a minister.

Establish a culture of the priesthood of all believers. Remind (often) everyone that the real ministry of the church is everyone’s calling. The paid staff are merely trainers and encouragers to those who actually “shine the light.”

2. Promote seed planting.

Help your people understand their role in spreading the Good News. It’s not their job to convert anyone. They’re simply called to plant the seeds of faith. God does the converting. Paul explained the division of roles in 1 Corinthians: “I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.”

3. Train your people.

They need practical help to be natural faith conversationalists. How do they engage their friends in meaningful and non-judgmental conversations that include faith? (A great resource for this training is God Space by Doug Pollock.)

4. Let your people practice.

Provide safe opportunities for people to talk about their faith. Churches often tell their people to get out and share their faith. But they neglect to provide opportunities for people to practice doing that. That approach is as fruitless as a swimming instructor who merely lectures students without putting them in the pool to practice. (I love how Lifetree Café supplies the “pool” for believers to practice their faith-sharing skills every week.)

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