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Leadership is Easy

The easy thing to do is go back to what was most comfortable. In those days, you made all the decisions. Though some of those decisions were poor, it didn’t matter because they were your decisions.

The easy thing to do is to tell people what to do. If they don’t offer their opinions, it’s even easier. Of course, they may have a better way of doing it, but that just complicates things.

The easy thing to do is to have a mission statement but never clarify the strategy for accomplishing that mission. That way everyone has to come to you for direction. You feel needed because you have all the answers.

The easy thing to do is guilt people into thinking any disagreement is a sign of disunity and betrayal. If no one verbalizes the conflict, you never have to deal with the conflict…until good people start to leave your team.

The easy thing to do is to disconnect leadership from relationships. If they’re not your friends, you don’t have to consider the relational impact of your decisions.

The easy thing to do is to create lots of rules and make people follow the rules. It reduces the chance that someone might go rogue and use their gifts, perspectives and experiences to pave a new path.

The easy thing to do is to do it yourself. That way it’s done “right” every single time. It’s just a lot harder to build healthy systems that empower more people to do what you do.

Leadership is easy.