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Taking a Break: Stopping to Smell the Roses

What I’m about to say isn’t popular,nor advised and is horrible for building an audience or “platform” as they say, but it’s needed and what I feel led to do. My Lead Pastor (we’re a multisite church) is graciously giving me a paid Leave of Absence to get free from stress, not have a break down (like he experienced in his past) and get healthy and whole in every way (physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually).

God had laid on my heart a long time ago to blog about “stopping to smell the roses”, but hear me friends: It would have been all theory, philosophy and head knowledge. Now, after God is breaking me  (read my last blog post) and taking me through something significant in my spiritual journey, I am truly stopping to smell the roses – for the first time in decades!

When I shared with my church on Sunday night, September 22nd, I said, “Now it’s God first, then family, and last career.” Because of the gift that my pastor is giving me to get healthy (I don’t know when I’ll return to technology – I’m fasting from social media, too) – It is now, God and me and my health, and just my family. I don’t have the weight, burden or stress of worrying about my career right now. God is in control and we have a gifted and capable staff that will take care of our congregation in my absence.

I need this, I highly recommend this and I’m going to get healthy and right with God. Please pray for me while I’m gone and as God lays me on your heart. I will one day return to blog again in the future and I can’t wait to share what God did in just one person’s/my life. I love you and I pray God will bless you, your family, your ministry and your HEALTH! Goodbye for a season, my friends. And as often as you can, stop and smell the roses!