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God Wants to Bring Life to Others Through You

One of the greatest problems facing Christianity today is our lack of confidence. We lack confidence in ourselves, in the Gospel, and in the church. And often, we allow the culture to back us into a corner In silence because of its misunderstandings about the nature of all three.

How different was the attitude of the apostle Paul as he wrote these words:

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you- that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.Romans 1:11-12 ESV

Just hear the confidence oozing from his soul. His boldness came from his confidence in God’s truth and its power to free people, give life, and change eternal destinies. Perhaps one of the reasons we don’t share our faith in Jesus as much as we wish we did is that we forget just how amazing the story of Jesus really is.

Furthermore, Paul was convinced that as he spoke God’s words, God’s Spirit would empower the message to touch the hearts of his hearers. We don’t have to make the message likable, we just have to make it understandable. The Spirit of God will make it personally relevant to those who hear it.

So here’s some encouragement that I hope will help you to be bolder today about your faith… You have been saved by an awesome grace. You have been called to show the world the goodness of God. And a culture that seems resistant to God’s truth may actually be crying out for the message of redemption in Christ.

If you are a child of God, then you have something pretty spectacular to offer people. So walk in confidence today. And let that confidence rest on the shoulders of a God who is fully capable of changing the world through you.