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10 Ways to Know Someone is Leaving Your Church

Does it bother you when someone leaves your church? 

The reality is that every church has a “back door.” The key leadership question that must be asked is not, “Are we going to lose people?” The reality is that you are.

Here are the warning signs that indicate a potential move towards the back door is underway.

If you see the following items, you should proactively reconnect and rebuild the relationship: 

1. A decrease or complete loss in financial support. The last thing that comes is a person’s money. The first thing that goes is a person’s money.

2. The wife’s body language. If you want to know if a man is happy, always look at his wife.

3. Tardiness to responsibilities. This indicates a loss of passion.

4. Minor items cause major frustrations. This indicates a lack of patience with the ministry.

5. Complaining. This indicates broad-based frustration with the ministry.

6. Excitement over another church’s vision. People naturally navigate towards a brighter tomorrow.

7. Divorce. When a divorce takes place, one individual will often leave the church. Sadly, the other person finds it difficult to fit in with their “married friends” and often leaves to start over at a different congregation. Having the children firmly planted into the church is the key to retaining this relationship.

8. Resignation of a volunteer position. This is the beginning of removing responsibilities and attachments.

9. No connection to a small group. If a person cannot connect relationally, they will leave the church.

10. A mega church opens a satellite location in your community. This is funny … but true.

My desire for you is to build a strong leadership culture at your church. Use this list to help keep leaders who can help you advance the mission and vision of the church.