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10 Things That Help Me Do My Job Better

(Brad Lomenick is Executive Director and key Visionary of Catalyst, a movement of young leaders.)

A few items that are essential in my day-to-day role. Not in any particular order:

1. Apple Macbook Pro- functional, durable, sleek, and syncs with all my other items.

2. Evernote– it’s an incredible program. At first it can be intimidating, but stay with it. Will help you keep track of stuff in a whole new way.

3. Moleskine Notebook– a must.

4. “To Do” draft e-mail– I have a very simple “filing” system for ideas and To Do items- everything is either captured in Evernote, in my moleskine, or in a “To Do List” draft e-mail in my inbox. Those three places…that’s it. No sticky notes or tear out pages or writing on my hand.

5. iPhone– I rate it way higher on the importance scale than having an iPad.

6. Pulse News app– a great app for my iPad. I use it every day.

7. Google Reader– a must for keeping up with everyone’s blogs

8. Skype and video call recorder– the video call recorder feature allows me to record my Skype video calls and then post to a Web site or just have for future reference.

9. Steady dose of music, podcasts, and video talks– iTunes is a must, both for music as well as podcasts and free content. I also spend a ton of time watching video talks from the TED Conference, as well as hanging out on YouTube looking for fun elements.

10. Creative Boards– I currently have 7 creative boards in my office. I use these for everything from programming to planning to idea development. 

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Brad Lomenick is Executive Director and key Visionary of Catalyst, a movement of young leaders. Over the last 15 years, he has built a reputation as a key networker and convener of leaders. Prior to running Catalyst, Brad was involved in the growth of the nationally acclaimed Life@Work Magazine and did management consulting with Cornerstone Group. More recently he has served in a number of roles for INJOY and now GiANT Impact. For several years after college, he rode horses for a living on a ranch in Colorado, and was even struck by lightning while installing a barbed wire fence, which some believe has given him powers equal to several of the Super Heroes. He hopes maybe someday he can be a professional golfer, or have his own hunting show.