Home Pastors Pastor How To's 5 Tips for Leading the Commuter Generation

5 Tips for Leading the Commuter Generation

5. Church Leaders Model Appropriate Behavior. 

Church leaders often are caught up in this hectic lifestyle dashing from one meeting or appointment to another.  Hurry is the great enemy of spiritual life and ministry in our day.  Hurry can destroy our souls.  Hurry can keep us from living well.  As Carl Jung wrote, “Hurry is not of the devil; hurry is the devil.” 

Following Jesus can never be done in a hurry.  It is not a hundred yard dash.  If we want to follow someone, we can’t go faster than the one who is leading.  To follow Jesus we must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives.  This does not mean we will never be busy.  Jesus often had much to do, but he never did it in a way that severed the life-giving connection between him and his Father.  He never did it in a way that interfered with his ability to give love when love was called for.

Someone once told me after I mentioned that I was a Pastor that took a day off, “How can you do that?  The devil never takes a day off!”  I said, “I’m not trying to be like the devil.”

I would rather be like Jesus, wouldn’t you?  And I would rather my flock mimic his lifestyle, too.  Perhaps if all church leaders committed to slowing down and making the most of our lives and ministry, Bob and others like him, would follow suit.