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What Every Pastor Secretly Wants

2.  Financial Security

I believe there’s something in the heart of a man that wants to provide for his wife and children.  And answering the call of God to communicate the Gospel or lead a church doesn’t erase that deep desire to love, protect, and provide.  

My first full-time job in ministry was in South Florida, and I made less than  public school teacher.  That was fine for a youth pastor with no kids, but once I had a family, it wasn’t going to work.  Sadly, that meant no longer working at that church.  And for the next ten years, I scraped by, earning enough to live a comfortable life but setting aside nothing for retirement.  I was able to travel and attend conferences, but my wife and kids missed most of that.

I secretly wanted to be a better provider for my family.  I wanted the freedom to send my kids to a good summer camp (not just the free VBS), and I wanted to buy my wife some new furniture for the house.  I never went into ministry at the age of 18 to make a lot of money, but there were times when I didn’t want it to be so dang hard.

I want some pastors to earn a little more money so they can make decisions on what’s best for the church and what’s best for their family, not what’s necessary for their survival.