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The Most Radical Way to Find Great Staff

“If God has truly called you here, will you come and work for free?”

That’s a tough question. It causes the person to really take stock in their “calling.”

I really want them to be convinced this is where God wants them to be, and it’s not just a job! Most have come to work in faith!

Now understand, this is not for every job and every position, but the principle needs to be adhered to: we want people of faith on our team!

Now those that come to work for “free” will only do that for a short time, some for a very short time, before we begin their salary. However, the experience weeds out those who just want to work at the big cool church and those who genuinely have hearts of faith and love!

So…Just a thought. Next time you go to make a staff hire, ask them if they are convinced that’s their place – ask them if they would do it for free!

Better staff hires… GUARANTEED!