Home Pastors Pastor How To's 7 Critical Hard-Knock Leadership Lessons

7 Critical Hard-Knock Leadership Lessons

7. Always Assume the Best

The last lesson I also learned from my old boss and mentor. He had this as a rule for our entire staff. We had to always assume the best of people. This simple truth has totally changed my outlook and the way I handle people and problems.

When something seems disrespectful, off-base, or out of character for one of my team members or peers, I immediately think of this lesson I learned, and I assume the best of them. Until I have hard proof that they are purposely doing something with ill intent or sinful, I will believe in them as a person and man or woman of God with a strong character.

Several months ago, I had a strong leader in my congregation question my leadership and the decisions I was making. I sat down with him (face-to-face), and I shared my heart and this simple philosophy. I told him of my love for God and for people and told him that my passion to reach the lost drives everything I do. I said, “If you ever question why I’m doing something, I want you to assume the best in me and know that I’m trying to reach people for Christ.” This went over well and has improved our relationship.

These are just seven lessons that I’ve learned over almost two decades of ministry. I share them with a sincere and humble heart. I hope you will try them out and pass them on to your team. May God bless you as you serve His Church.