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Consistent Variety: a Secret of Fruitfulness

Personally, I love Bible reading plans and podcasts, but I have chosen not to use and listen to the same ones all the time. I have a specific time every day when I read and pray, but I do not always read out of the same translation or pray the same way. I try my best to be consistently inconsistent daily. I do the same things every day, but I do them differently every time. This is how I cultivate creativity in my everyday life, which in turn brings creativity and fruitfulness to other areas of my life.

So how would this look in the church? Ed Young answers that question in his book, The Creative Leader. In it, he talks about how consistent inconsistency keeps the congregation excited and trying to guess what is going to happen next. One Sunday, worship will be fast, upbeat and in your face. The next Sunday, it will be slow and contemplative. One Sunday, a rock band will lead worship. The next Sunday, a choral ensemble will take the stage. The worship always starts off the service (consistent), but the style and tempo is different every time (inconsistent)! Consistently inconsistent!

So how would you do this in your own personal life? Try reading different books by different authors. Try watching different movies, such as foreign films or anything you wouldn’t normally watch. Try listening to new music. You could also learn to play an instrument, or take up photography. All of these things will cause you to see and hear things differently. You won’t regret it. I promise.