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Put Away Your Swords, Stop Fighting and Embrace the Other

Which when paraphrased simply means:

When we deserved it least, when we were enemies of God and far away from him in every conceivable way, that was when God broke into time and space and took upon himself the fullness of what it means to be a human being, showcased his enemy-love to the world through countless acts of self-giving otherness, and died for the same people who hit him, spit on him and mocked his name.

What does our response as self-professed followers of Jesus look like in comparison?

If our typical response is in any way different from his, we need to seriously question whether we are followers, or name-takers, who claim one thing, but do something completely different.

We’re always so worried about taking God’s name in vain (usually by swearing), but how many of us take God’s name in vain when we claim to follow after Jesus, yet live in ways that are in direct contradiction to him?

The Rabbi Connection

A Rabbi seeks to replicate themselves in their students. And, their students seek to reflect their rabbi.

Jesus, our Rabbi, was no different.

Every day he spent with the 12 disciples was a day in which he tried to demonstrate, in both word and action, what God is like and how those who follow after God should look.

The primary characteristic of God demonstrated in and through the person, life and teachings of Jesus is enemy-love.

We see this attribute displayed throughout Jesus’ public ministry and identify its most powerful demonstration on the cross, where Jesus died for his enemies.

In our day, we see our so-called enemies in a completely different light. And, as a result, end up treating them very differently as well.

We place confrontational Christian bumper stickers on our cars that push the enemy away.

We placard social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter with slogans that attempt to enforce the Christian faith, as though force has ever worked.

We constantly tell people how bad they are, how far removed from God they are, and then threaten them with some form of judgement story if they choose not to give in to our demands.

I can’t speak for you, but our demonstrations of Christian propaganda do not in any way reflect the Jesus of scripture; a Jesus who, rather than seek for ways to push people away, looked for opportunities to invite people in.

Followers Follow

Followers follow.

Followers reflect.

Followers do what their teachers do and say what their teachers say.

And, if they do not, they are not followers, but imposters.

Jesus loved his enemies to the point of dying for them. His outstretched arms, nailed to a Roman cross, demonstrated a posture of invitation, to and for everyone, enemies included.

He didn’t seek to intimidate people into the Kingdom of God.

He didn’t use scare tactics to frighten people into the Kingdom of God.

He didn’t use manipulation and propaganda to force people to bow out of fear and guilt.


He healed their sick.
He cast out their demons.
He fed them.
He taught them.
He wept for them.
He included them.
He invited them.
He loved them.
He died for them.

And, he told his followers to go and do likewise.

It’s simple.

Followers follow. They look like the one they claim to serve.

Are we following Jesus or impersonating him?

Are we the enemy?

I’ll leave that for you to decide.