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How Jesus Led People: Minister to Many, Invest in a Few

The Questions

In response to this leadership lesson from Jesus, that you should minister to the many and invest in a few, you have to ask yourself a few questions.

Who is my crowd?

Who are my 12? 

Who are my three?

If you ask yourself these questions, you need to seriously consider your answers. As a leader, I would say you need to have these three relational contexts in your life. If you don’t, you need to make some changes.

How Much Time Should I Spend With Each Group?

This could be one of the most important questions we could ask in the context of leadership. Here’s my attempt to make some sense of it.

Crowd Timing

In order to figure this out, you must determine how engaged your crowd is. What I mean by this is, how often do you hear from them? If they are more engaged, more time will be spent with this area. The opposite is true as well.

12 Timing

It is vitally important to spend a lot of time with this group. They are the individuals whom you do life with. They are the individuals whom you are constantly investing in.

Three Timing

With this group, I don’t believe that more quantity automatically means more impact. I believe that, with this group, they should get more quality time from you. Focused time is essential with this group. These are the people you are investing in the most. Be intentional with all of the groups, but especially this group.

Next Steps

Examine your relational contexts.

Make changes where needed.

Start ministering.

Start investing.