Home Pastors Preaching & Teaching Cooperate With the Holy Spirit—Plan Your Preaching Calendar!

Cooperate With the Holy Spirit—Plan Your Preaching Calendar!

Likewise, when you plan ahead, you can collect resources without the pressure of last minute preparation. Because you know what you are going to be preaching on, you can scan your library for illustrative material in advance. You can have a mental trigger that notes things you may read in a blog, paper or magazine that may be useful later on. You can scan the web for material related to your text or subject. And you can give your subconscious time to “marinate” on the text, deepening your thoughts and sharpening your creativity. You can also have an advantage when facing the busyness of life and “interruptions” of pastoral ministry. Having a sermon plan acts as a magnet to draw material together for your preaching.

How to develop a sermon calendar. There are different ways to develop a preaching calendar. Some pastors plan for the month ahead, ensuring that they will at least be several weeks ahead of the game. Other pastors plan for the next quarter. This is a good start for many. It plans out the next three months. It is not as intimidating as planning for a year. It also forces you to think and pray about your preaching every several months.

I recommend that you try establishing a preaching calendar for a whole year. Planning your preaching for the year can make it easier to plan the rest of the program of your church. You can establish tools and goals and service opportunities to coincide with your preaching for the year. You can even organize Bible study groups around the Sunday morning preaching.

Planning a sermon calendar for a whole year may seem like a daunting task. But it really is not as hard as it seems. You can start now and plan for the next 12 months. You can pick a time, say October, and begin planning for the next calendar year. If your schedule permits, you can go on retreat for several days and plan your preaching. If that is not possible, you can schedule specific times during your regular schedule when you will focus on planning your preaching.

Here are several practical suggestions for working through a process of planning your preaching a year in advance.

Start with prayer. Preaching the word of God to the people of God is a sacred, serious task. You do not want to decide what to preach in a cavalier manner, which is why you should consider developing a sermon plan in the first place. Approach this process with a conscious sense of dependence upon God to lead and guide you.

Pray about potential books of the Bible, themes or series to preach. What truths would the Lord have to teach your people in the coming year? Pray for and about your congregation. Pray about the spiritual condition of your congregation. Pray about their needs, individually and corporately. Pray about the future. What is your vision for the church? Pray for yourself! The things you have been studying personally and devotionally may become feeder for your pulpit work. Is there something you need to learn? I have found that the best way for me to learn a subject is to preach it. It forces me to study it diligently.