Home Podcast Dale Sellers: There Is Hope and Help for Pastors Who Feel ‘Stalled’

Dale Sellers: There Is Hope and Help for Pastors Who Feel ‘Stalled’

“An unhealthy pastor is always going to create an unhealthy ministry.”

Carey Nieuwhof: Why Burnout Is Not Inevitable and How Pastors Can Avoid It

“[Pastors about to walk away from ministry for the wrong reasons] have to identify they have the wrong reasons. And I think that’s very difficult to do when you’re in the minutia and the pressure and the stress of ministry.”

“Pastor, today, when you’ve been struggling and straining and fighting, you’re trying to do it all and you’re wearing yourself out, you’re going to have to reach out for help. If I had not reached out for help, I would not be on this podcast today.”

Mentioned in the Show

Ephesians 4
Philippians 1:21

Stalled: Hope and Help for Pastors Who Thought They’d Be There by Now” by Dale Sellers

Seven Years in Seven Weeks: The Importance of Casting Vision for Your Church” by Dale Sellers

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70% of all pastors do not have one close personal friend
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Promise Keepers