Phil Vischer, Part 1: How Pastors Can Guide the Creatives in Their Churches

Phil Vischer
Image courtesy of Phil Vischer


“Before I launched VeggieTales, I actually went to David C. Cook Publishers and pitched them on the idea…of a show like ‘David Letterman’ for Christian teens.”

“I said to myself one day…‘I wonder if anyone else would want to listen to the conversations I’m having with myself in my car.’”

“For a while it was, ‘Hey, VeggieTales fans, Phil’s doing a podcast’…and then we got to 2016 and Donald Trump and we woke up the next morning going, ‘What the heck just happened?’ And started talking honestly about our concerns about 80% of white evangelicals supporting Donald Trump and what it meant for the church.”

“We ended up building a pretty substantial audience of pastors, ministry leaders and then young Christians. I would say our target audience is the kid who grew up in the evangelical church who’s now standing at the back door of the church saying, ‘Give me just one good reason not to walk out.’” 

Mentioned in the Show

Holy Post
Me, Myself, and Bob: A True Story About Dreams, God, and Talking Vegetables” by Phil Vischer
What’s in the Bible?

Check out Phil’s website
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Phil Vischer on ChurchLeaders

Phil Vischer’s 17-Minute History Lesson Is Worth Every Second of Your Time” by Megan Briggs

Phil Vischer: What Is an Evangelical, Really?” by Jessica Lea

Phil Vischer: Social Welfare Is Not to Blame for Racial Inequality” by Jessica Lea

Phil Vischer: This Is How Race Shapes the Way Christians Vote” by Jessica Lea

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Jessica Lea
Jessica is a content editor for and the producer of The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast. She has always had a passion for the written word and has been writing professionally for the past five years. When Jessica isn't writing, she enjoys West Coast Swing dancing, reading, and spending time with her friends and family.

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