“I had long ago on the podcast tried to come up with seven distinctives between evangelicalism and fundamentalism, and one of the big ones was just pugilism, just the love of fighting.”
“Jesus didn’t spend a whole lot of time policing women’s garments, didn’t spend a whole lot of time policing what music you were listening to. How do we follow Jesus and be constructive towards creation and the neighborhoods that we’re in, not be reactive, not be separatist, but also not throw away the distinctives of the faith?”
“Let’s say racism is not part of classic evangelicalism. Let’s say, you know, there’s a whole host of things [that are not part of it]…I’m not going to say, ‘Hey, women in the pastorate is it or isn’t part of classic evangelicalism.’ There have always been a multiplicity of points of view.”
“What I’m more likely to do is say, ‘Hey, I want to elevate a voice that has some really clear thinking about this issue.’ I’m not convinced my thinking is always really clear.”
“I am trying to portray epistemic humility.”
“I intentionally avoid highly declarative statements on Twitter…I resist publicly declarative statements that are demanded and will often have fun with the demander.”
“I’d rather not say anything than say something that could wound someone where I’ll never know it.”
“Let’s talk about issues. And let’s look for how biblical truth, how the great commandment, how the Sermon on the Mount applies to these issues. And we may come to different conclusions.”
“I’m really just going for the humility to say, ‘I have full confidence in Scripture and much lower confidence in my inerrancy as an interpreter thereof.’”
Mentioned in the Show
Holy Post
“Me, Myself, and Bob: A True Story About Dreams, God, and Talking Vegetables” by Phil Vischer
What’s in the Bible?
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The Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed
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Billy Graham
Bob Jones Sr. and Bob Jones Jr.
Carl F. H. Henry
David French
Harold John Ockenga
Jerry Falwell Sr.
“John Piper Suggests Allowing Women To Lead in Parachurch Organizations Is ‘Naïve,’ ‘Culturally Compromised’” by Dale Chamberlain on ChurchLeaders
John Stott
“Rick Warren Shares With Russell Moore the Scriptures That Convinced Him Women Pastors Are Biblical” by Jesse T. Jackson
“The Virtue of Hospitality” by Stephen Wolfe in American Reformer
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“‘Women, Cover Up’—Christian Twitter Debates Modesty, Lust and Self-Control in Time for Summer” by Jessica Lea on ChurchLeaders