“As simple and obvious as it is, dad believed in the power of the gospel to change lives. He refreshed himself daily in his relationship with Christ and kind of reminded himself, this is good news.”
“You’ve got to focus on leaders. You’ve got to do things that help leaders prioritize evangelism. You’ve got to do a better job celebrating every step along the evangelism journey.”
“To change a culture, you’ve also got to look for the small percentage of people that seem to be leaning into evangelism.”
“You’ve got to talk about it. You’ve got to equip. And I think that as simple as that is, if you’re going to change the culture, you’ve got to be intentional. You’ve got to find the people that are already leaning in. And you’ve got to do something to make a change. If it’s not working now, guess what? Doing the same thing is guaranteed to continue to get the same results.”
“The bottom line is every believer is 100% biblically called to be a witness. And a witness simply says what they’ve seen and experienced. You don’t have to be an expert.”
“You may be the only believer that the people that you work with or your neighbors have in their life. And so clearly your pastor is not going to be able to reach those people. You have a responsibility, and pastors that are listening, part of your responsibility 100% is to prepare your people to be on mission.”
“I don’t consider myself an evangelist. I struggle like most people with fear and anxiety about it.”
“You cannot communicate a saving message by being kind to people. At some point, you’ve got to explain who Jesus is to you.”
“It’s the joy. Dad mostly shared the good news because he’d seen it being so transformative. It’s like, why wouldn’t I want everybody to experience the love, the joy, the peace, the good things of walking with God?…But he would also not avoid the fact that sinful humanity is separated from a holy God.”
“We have to genuinely love people where they’re at and be in relationship with people, be praying for people.”
“I think that every single one of us, pastors and leaders and the people in your congregation, we have open doors every single day.”
“Learning to ask good questions is such a key part of sharing the good news these days…People are more than happy to answer questions if they feel like you actually care about the answer.”
Mentioned in the Show
Colossians 4:3
2 Corinthians 5:14
Ephesians 4:11
Evangelism Master Class on Gloo
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“5 Key Takeaways from the He Gets Us Engaging Culture Series” on Christianity Today
Billy Graham
Christianity Explored
“ “Evangelist Luis Palau, the Billy Graham of Latin America, Has Died” by Jesse T. Jackson on ChurchLeaders
Greg Laurie
He Gets Us
“Kevin and Sherry Harney: Why It’s a Problem If Our Discipleship Does Not Lead to Evangelism” by Jessica Lea on ChurchLeaders
“Luis Palau: Never Forget How Grand Your Calling Is” by Jason Daye on ChurchLeaders
Organic Outreach