Infrastructure: The Foundation of Your Small Group Ministry

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Do all churches need a small group infrastructure?  Only if you want to stay the course and finish the race strong! Everything needs structure.  We structure for growth, but not for control.

What “levels” of infrastructure does Saddleback have?  Even though the number of our small groups is in the multiple thousands, our structure is somewhat flat.  We have two levels that oversee the small groups.  A Community Leader (CL) who has a ratio of 1:25 small group leaders, and an Area Leader (AL) who has CL’s under them (the number varies), and has a ratio of 1:250 small group leaders.

How do you recruit people for the different levels?  It’s all about relationship, make-up and vision.  Everyone has 168 hours a week to give.  How they give of their time is based on where their heart is.  In order to speak to their heart, you need to have a relationship with them.  To have the relationship takes time…period. The end.  You cannot micro-wave relationship!  Make-up is the next key to recruiting.  By make-up I mean, what is their personality and how is their life arranged?  You need to look at two aspects.  First, do they have the heart to shepherd/care for people and take them to where you want them?  Next, do they have the time and availability to do what you want with the commitments they have in life.? To close the deal on recruiting people you need vision.  People will give time to a vision they can believe in.  You need to let them know they are part of something bigger than them and with eternal impact.

How do you train everyone?  Our job descriptions can be written on a napkin.  People need to know the macro concepts and then be able to go micro as they can take it in.  Again, relational training is always the best choice. The main training for Saddleback infrastructure is based on “care” and how you use “care” to build the 5 Biblical purposes into every group and life.  Once relationships are established, traditional small group training is implemented, and the vision starts flowing.

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Steve Gladen
Steve Gladen has been on staff at Saddleback Church since 1998; he currently oversees the strategic launch and development of small groups at Saddleback as well as the staff of the Small Group Network. He has focused on small groups in several churches for almost 20 years. Steve oversees 2,500 adult small groups at Saddleback and loves seeing a big church become small through true community developed in group life. He has co-authored several books, including 250 Big Ideas for Small Groups, Building Healthy Small Groups in Your Church, Small Groups With Purpose, Leading Small Groups With Purpose, and Don't Lead Alone. Steve does consulting and seminars championing small groups and what it means to be Purpose Driven in a small-group ministry.

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