Home Small Group Leaders Articles for Small Group Leaders How to Motivate Your Small Group Members

How to Motivate Your Small Group Members

Maybe that is one of the reasons the Bible says:

But now faith, hope and love remain—these three. The greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

As a small group leader, do you have true love for each of your members? Does your small group operate in a way that members demonstrate love for one another?


Your group members need to feel effective. They need to contribute in ways that make a difference.

Because small groups encourage everyone to participate in the discussions, each member can be contributing in a significant way.

Do you know the knowledge, skills, spiritual gifts, interests and experiences each of your group members possess? Is your group organized in a way that each member has a unique role? If not, get creative and create some nontraditional roles.

For example, your small group could include roles for a photographer, researcher, newsletter editor, time keeper, encourager and marketer.

Does your small group allow members to contribute effectively in a unique way?

I find it interesting that Susan Fowler says additional benefits received from meeting these three needs are trust and safety. These are two important components needed for your group members to be authentic with each other and spark transformation.

Examine how well you are allowing and encouraging your members’ needs of autonomy, relatedness and competence to be filled. Make changes if needed and watch your small group members thrive.

Question: How did this change your thoughts on motivating small group members

This article originally appeared here.