The Call to Mutual Discipleship

Group Guides: Intentionally affirm gifts and personality traits that are different from your own. Point out to the wider group when God is blessing someone’s efforts. Let people know when they build you up with their gifts, and celebrate as others flourish in their unique abilities. 

Mutual Discipleship Step 4. COMMIT

…to helping one other grow in Christ

“…equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…” (Eph. 4:12)

As you study God’s Word together, God will not only use you to help others grow, He will use others to grow you! Apply the ‘one anothers’ of Scripture to everything you do; pray for one another (Eph. 6:18); challenge one another (Col. 3:16); encourage and build one another up (1 Thess. 5:11); stir one another up, and spur one another on to become more like Jesus (Heb. 10:24).  

Group Guides: With equal measures of encouragement and accountability, move deliberately from an ‘I can do it, you can help’ mentality to a, ‘You can do it, how can I help?’ approach. You can do this as a group by: 

calling one another to mission.

pointing one another to the Word’s transforming power. 

letting one anothers’ gifts enrich your group life. 

committing to helping each other grow in Christ.

Want to learn more?

Want to make your WordGo Gathering a great place for identifying and growing God-given abilities in each other? Or perhaps you’d love someone to come alongside and facilitate with you? In our final entry to this blog series, we’ll explore just one more strategy for developing and discipling one another. Join us!

…How to trust God for expansion
