Home Voices 20 Truths From ‘Grace Ambassador: Bringing Heaven on Earth’

20 Truths From ‘Grace Ambassador: Bringing Heaven on Earth’

“[W]e are living in an era when we can find a bridge across several of the streams of the Church (e.g., Reformed, evangelical, charismatic) to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, so that God’s people are equipped and released for ministry and mission in the world.” (p. 63)

Chapter 10

“I think leaders in business, education, health care, media, the arts and government all have capacity to influence the future of our world for Kingdom purposes—or the opposite. Sadly, many in the Church have bought into the lie that the ‘secular’ world of the marketplace is evil and only the Church is holy.” (p. 116)

“The problem is that we who are pastors and leaders and missionaries have often appeared to suggest that pastoral and missionary work is the highest calling (or the only calling), and that anyone not called to ministry work for the Church gathered is left with a second‑class assignment.” (p. 118)

“When the people of God are equipped and released, the ekklesia will begin to transform culture as we move from intimacy and empowerment to expression and engagement with the culture. This movement will bring heaven to earth—a glorious moment as we see grace distributed by the people of God where He has established them.” (p. 124)

Chapter 11

“Our lives represent a continuous flow of relational intimacy in which Jesus lives and breathes and moves in and through us. We are the life and grace of Jesus as we walk and talk.” (p. 130)

Chapter 12

“Can you imagine what will happen in every culture when cities and regions and nations flourish, recognizing that followers of Jesus are leading the reformation? What an exciting time to be alive! I can see you, dear reader, as part of the movement that reshapes families, organizations, communities and nations with the power and presence of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.” (p. 142)

“I believe we have lost sight of the fundamental reality of the spiritual atmosphere in which we operate. The enemy of our souls has been able to lull us into a form of complacency that makes us irrelevant to the Father’s Kingdom agenda.” (p. 146)

Chapter 13

“Your vocation is not a curse; it is a calling. You are on assignment for God. You are a precious son or daughter of His, and He has placed you where there is opportunity. He has a mission for you to accomplish. You are a missionary in the marketplace!” (p. 152)

“[M]any in our culture expect Christians to be mean, angry, condemning and judgmental. When we come to people in the opposite spirit, we have the opportunity to distribute grace in the power of the Holy Spirit. The truth about followers of Jesus is that we are the singular greatest source of compassion on the planet, the first to scenes of disaster and last to leave in times of crisis.” (p. 154)

“Please join me in praying for and participating in the launch of the second Reformation as we see the wonderful, amazing, matchless grace of Jesus manifested on planet earth. Let’s start with you and me and experience what the Lord can do with surrendered hearts.” (p. 156)

Content from “Grace Ambassador: Bringing Heaven on Earth” by Dr. John Jackson, provided by Chosen Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group. Copyright 2023. Used by permission.