Are You Ready to Risk Again? (A Worship Team Devotional)

ready to risk
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A worship band that doesn’t take risks here and there may not be learning what it means to listen to the Spirit’s leading in a worship set. I’m not suggesting spontaneity should be the main portion of our sets, but that we can cultivate openness to what God wants to do through the music. The higher the levels of trust in our team, the better we will do at risking together (and debriefing is a good habit to get into). Sure, we can just play the songs, and let the songs lead. We don’t always need to embellish everything. But sometimes God has something to say in the set – and we want to be responsive to it rather than just being locked into only what we’ve always done before.


Lord, you have something to say to this community as we worship. Help us to be sensitive to what your Spirit is doing as we gather. Teach us to let the songs lead, but also to listen to your voice so we can respond.


This article about being ready to risk again originally appearedhere, and is used by pernission. It is designed for reading before a rehearsal, forwarding via email to your team, or sharing with your tagged team on Facebook.

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Dan Wilt
Dan Wilt, M.Min. is an artist, author, musician, educator, songwriter, communicator, and spiritual life writer. With 20+ years in the Vineyard family of churches, he serves in various ways to further a “New Creation” centered vision of the Christian life through media.

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