What Volunteers Need Most

Communication is at the core of all the church does, and when it comes to working with volunteers it’s important to always come back to the two most important things volunteers need (outside of spiritual needs). *Note: You can substitute the words “team members” with the word “volunteers.”

1. AFFIRMATION – Volunteers are human beings, not robots that can be ignored, used, abused, and thrown away. If you want to attract and keep the best volunteers in your church, then the affirmation of volunteers is going to have to be a part of your regular routine. A loose translation of affirmation is to affirm the obvious.  What are your volunteers doing right? Tell them. Often. Let them know that they matter to you and to your church. Key: That which is planned -happens. Make a note, put it on your weekly schedule, in your Bible, whatever it takes – it’s that important.

2. TO BE HEARD: The second most important thing that volunteers need is to be heard. By regularly taking time out to stop by, listen, get-to-know… you will be answering for them one of the most fundamental questions every human has: “Do you hear me?”  Communication is not happening with volunteers until you can honestly say “I hear you.”

When these two things are happening in your church on a regular basis, you can be sure that a sturdy long-lasting relational bridge is being built between you and your churches most important asset – volunteers.