Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative Why Relationship Doesn’t Trump Religion

Why Relationship Doesn’t Trump Religion

In other words, it IS about religionwhich affects how we live. It affects our speech. It makes us loving and holy.

The problem with the statement, “It’s not about religion. It’s about a relationship with Jesus” is that it’s vague. It’s undefined, warm and fuzzy. But it can say the wrong thing.

If taken the wrong way, people might think they don’t need to believe specific truths or be a committed member of a church.

That they need not gather with others to hear the word preached or learn sound doctrine or serve others or speak the truth in love, confront sin or repent.

“It’s just me and Jesus; I don’t need all that religion stuff.”

Yes, it is about relationship with Jesus, which we receive as a free gift of God. But we cultivate that relationship by abiding in his word, prayer, worship, exercising faith, obedience and loving others—by our religion.

So what would I put on our sign?

Maybe something like: “It’s not about religion—if you think religion means boring drudgery and meaningless rules. It’s about a religion that leads to and fuels a satisfying saving relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Of course that’s too much for a sign you have 1.2 seconds to read as you drive by. But you know what I mean. OK, old man’s musings are done. Fire away.