Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative How To Guarantee You WON’T Grow Spiritually

How To Guarantee You WON’T Grow Spiritually

5. Chase Trends and Dis Faithfulness. 

If you want to have a life of unfruitfulness, keep chasing new trends and paradigms. Keep looking for the easy way out, the shortcut.

People who stay the same are people who don’t like to work hard at growth, who don’t want to put in the blood, sweat and tears of a life of impact.

My generation — we love to talk big about how we are going to change the world — but I wonder if we value faithfulness and steadiness like previous generations. If you want an insignificant life of spurts and starts and stops, keep chasing the next big thing, keep avoiding the hard choices, the sweat, the grind of daily life.

Keeping your hand at the wheel, year after year, ensures a life of depth, of weight, of character.