Love Letter to a Lesbian

I gave you a glimpse of my story because I want you to understand that I understand.

But I also want you to know that I understand how it feels to be in love with the Creator of the universe.

To want nothing more than to be with him forever. To feel his grace, the best news ever announced to mankind. To see his forgiveness, that he would take such a wicked heart into his hands of mercy.

But with that in mind, we’re in a culture where stories like mine either seem impossible or hilarious, depending on the audience.

Homosexuality is everywhere—from music, to TV, even sports. If you’d believe all that society had to say about homosexuality, you’d come to the conclusion that it is completely normal, even somewhat admirable.

But that is far from the truth.

God tells us that homosexuality is sinful, abominable and unnatural (Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20.13″ data-version=”esv”>20:13; Romans 1.18–32″ data-version=”esv”>Romans 1:18–32; 1 Corinthians 6.9–11″ data-version=”esv”>1 Corinthians 6:9–11; 1 Timothy 1.8–10″ data-version=”esv”>1 Timothy 1:8–10). But if I were to be honest, sometimes homosexual attractions can seem natural to me.

I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that this may be your dilemma as well.

You see what God has to say about homosexuality, but your heart doesn’t utter the same sentiments. God’s word says it’s sinful; your heart says it feels right. God’s word says it’s abominable; your heart says it’s delightful. God’s word says it’s unnatural; your heart says it’s totally normal.

Do you see that there is a clear divide between what God’s word says and how your heart feels?

So which voice should you believe?