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Why the World Needs You to be MORE Boring

They mostly remember the cliche stuff and that, my friends, is why I’m going to tell my daughters that they are beautiful as much as I can. 

I know they think I’m just saying that because I’m dad. I know they think I’m proud of them because I don’t have a choice. 

But it doesn’t matter. I won’t quit saying it because 15 years from now, they will go to a college Bible study and tell their pastor, “You know, I had one of those cliche dads who always told me he loved me.” 

Yea, I’m pretty sure I can live with that. 

Same thing with my pastoring gig. You see, we’re currently in the fifth week of a series on grace.

To be honest with you, I feel like I’ve been preaching the same exact thing for five straight weeks, and sometimes I feel like everyone is TIRED of hearing about grace. 

But that’s OK. I’m okay with them rolling their eyes when I say “God loves you unconditionally” for the 100th time, and I’m OK with being the boring pastor that preaches too much about God’s grace because I know, soon enough, it’s all they’ll need and remember. 

I don’t know about you guys, but my natural leaning is to swing for the fences and chase mountain top moments, but I feel like God has been inviting me to cannonball into the cliche and boring moments of life with my wife, kids and at work.

“Honey, thanks for preparing dinner.”

“Babe, you look more beautiful today than the first day I met you.”

“Mom and dad, you guys are the best parents in the world.”

“I love you so much.” 

I know all those things are things you’re supposed to say. What I’m hoping you’ll see today is sometimes the things you’re supposed to say and do are the most long lasting expressions of love we have to offer. 

Don’t believe me? Just think about the last time someone made you feel special, loved or valued. My guess is, what they said and did was super cliche. 

So here’s to embracing the nonflashy, cliche moments of life.

In what area of life could you be more cliche?

Also, what is something cliche someone said or did that meant the world to you?