How to Fight Same-Sex Attraction

The church must prepare itself to answer the many questions that same-sex attraction and homosexuality present.

A friend of mine sent me his thoughts on how he has dealt with these issues in his own life. He says:

“The issue of homosexuality is one that has recently become a front-line war zone in our culture. Both sides of the issue have offered their opinions about how same-sex marriage will affect our society, as well as the other various issues surrounding homosexuality. However, there has not been much response from the church on how to help our brothers and sisters who are struggling with same-sex attractions. Therefore, I offer four truths that I have learned on my journey of dealing with same-sex attractions. These are some of the truths and practices that I have found to be most helpful in battling temptation.

God is Glorious.

As you read the Scriptures, one theme rings out as the overarching purpose in all that happens: God is glorious and does all things for his glory. I’m listing this one first because I believe it is the most important. Having a vision of God’s glory is what fuels me in this battle.

When I spend time beholding the beauty and majesty of God, seeing his love for me declared on the cross, then I am left in awe and driven to worship. The one who is all glorious is worthy of all praise. And the praise that I give to God is through the life that I live. The cross demands of me a life of humble obedience, but when you realize the One you are living for is glorious, you realize he is worth it.

Understanding this glorious truth, I am able to say that more than I desire my same-sex attractions to be removed, I desire God’s glory. The beauty of the Gospel is that God is redeeming me and in some way he will use my battle with same-sex attraction for his glory. If you are going to battle sin in your life then you must have a vision of God’s glory.

Eternity is Coming.

Same-sex attraction can be an overwhelming issue to deal with at times. It is easy to get caught up asking the “Why?” questions and become morbidly introspective, and that is why having an eternal perspective is important.

When this battle begins to feel like it’s consuming my life, I remind myself that this life is short and that the end is coming. Not only is it encouraging to be reminded that I won’t always have to battle against sinful desires, but thinking about eternity also reminds me of what is most important.

An eternal perspective reminds me to focus my energy on knowing Christ and making him known. Let the hard times press you deeper into Christ and let them drive you to long for his return.