Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative 5 Ways to Motivate People to GIVE to Your Church

5 Ways to Motivate People to GIVE to Your Church

3. Stories of life-change.

“Show people that their #generosity is making an eternal difference.”

Stories of life-change must become a regular and ongoing part of your church communication strategy.

If you’re in a leadership position, you likely get to hear stories of life-change often. But the average person sitting in your pews doesn’t.

Show them.

One of the best ways to communicate these stories is through video taped, personal testimonies.

4. Relationships.

People will give faithfully and generously to your church if you invest in them relationally.

And don’t assume that just because someone is giving to your church now that they’ll continue to do so indefinitely if you aren’t making an investment in your relationship with them.

The main take-away here is simple: Love your people well.

4. Show appreciation.

Take genuine interest in their successes and failures. Live life with them.

Spend time with people outside of the church walls doing “nonchurch” things.

“When you show people you love them, they’ll want to invest in the #vision God has given you.”

5. Sound biblical teaching.

Over 2,300 verses in the Bible deal with money and possessions … that’s roughly 15 percent of all Scriptures.

Too many pastors selectively preach “around” the topic of money. Don’t do this. Be bold.

Teach your congregation the joy that accompanies cheerful and generous giving.

Lead your people in this important spiritual discipline.

People will make a financial investment in your church when you effectively cast vision, build strong relationships and teach the Word.

But you must be intentional and you must be consistent.

QUESTION: Why do you (or don’t you) give to your local church? Which one of the five reasons above do you think is the most important?