Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative Worship WARS: The Problems and How to Fix Them

Worship WARS: The Problems and How to Fix Them

4. Style has become an end in itself, not a means to an end.

Your style of music and service should serve the mission. It is not the mission.

Once again, this nails all of us: traditionalists, innovators and everyone in between. Our goal is not to arrive at a particular worship style. It’s to accomplish the mission Christ has given us.

I love how our church does music. But 40 years from now, I don’t want to be sitting around in a retirement home with my friends complaining that young people today don’t sing Chris Tomlin, play cover tunes at church or drink Starbucks.

The church should always change, and it needs to change on my watch.

How do you address this? 

Be committed to constant change. Don’t rest.

Your style helps you achieve the mission. It is not the mission.