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How to Find Happiness Money Can’t Buy

Is Jesus really the centerpiece of your life—or does he come second to seeking money, fame, riches or success? Does Jesus comes second to your career, to your need to manage your reputation, or even to your family? While God made us to work and to protect and serve our families, first He made us his children.

If we’re looking anywhere besides to Him for satisfaction, no wonder we’re so unhappy. No wonder we’re suffering.

Some signs you are looking in the wrong place for satisfaction: 

  • You care deeply about what others think about you.
  • You feel devastated by criticism.
  • You depend on encouragement to survive and thrive.
  • Your life is filled with drama or gossip.
  • Your never feel like you have enough energy to do what you’re “supposed” to do.
  • You feel distant from God.
  • You are riding a roller coaster of emotions—happy today, sad tomorrow.
  • You wrestle with anxiety about physical possessions (having to live without them).
  • No matter how much money you make, you always want more..

If this sounds like you, let me encourage you: Jesus is the fulfillment of everything you desire. When you get him, the ache inside of you will cease. As Matthew 6:33 says, if you “seek first” the Kingdom of heaven, all the rest will be added.

You will be a winner.

You will hit the jackpot.