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5 Tips for Freshening Up “Worn Out” Songs

We’ve all been there.

The last thing we want to do is sing “How Great Is Our God” or “Here I Am to Worship” … again. They feel old, tired and worn out.

Songs go through cycles. It’s possible to do them too often as well as not enough. Striking that balance is tricky, to say the least.

But just because a song is old doesn’t mean it’s irrelevant. Great worship songs stand the test of time because they take a timeless message and wrap it in a fresh sound.

Oftentimes that older, more familiar song is exactly what is needed because it connects. People don’t have to think so hard. They can be more free to engage.

The truth is, worship leaders and band members get sick of a song much sooner than someone in the congregation. When you combine personal practice, rehearsal and playing the same song for multiple services on a weekend, that makes sense. But just when the band is getting sick of a song is right when people in the congregation are starting to grasp it.

The problem isn’t with how old the song is. The problem is that we do it the same way all the time. Doing songs like your favorite records is fine, but you need to shake it up from time to time.

Our songlists should be crafted on the foundation of  two questions: 1) Are we celebrating and declaring the truth of the Gospel? and 2) Are we helping people engage with heart, soul, mind and strength?

Cool and cutting edge is great if it accomplishes that purpose. Otherwise it’s just a waste of time.

Five Tips for Taking Worn Out Songs and Making Them Fresh

So here are five tips for taking a worn out song and breathing some life into it:

1. Speak in the middle—Sometimes pausing in the middle of the song to either encourage, exhort or read a Scripture can completely change up the feel to a song. It helps to reconnect with the worshipers in the room as well. For example, oftentimes I’ll tie a particular verse of a song to a Scripture, like the final verse of “Cornerstone”:

“When He shall come with trumpet sound. Oh may I then in Him be found. Dressed in His righteousness alone. Faultless stand before His throne.”

Before I sing that, I’ll declare 2 Corinthians 5:21:

“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

If there’s one thing I know, there’s nothing that lights up a worship service like the Word of God. It is power, and when it lands on hearts filled with faith, explosive things can happen.

Try this with your songs. Speak out. Declare truth. Plan your songs to be an experience with the Word rather than just a sing-a-long.