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3 Verbs We Must Encourage in Every Worship Gathering!

But preachers aren’t the only ones who are challenged by meaningful worship. Many people, of almost every profession, are frequently summoned to duty because of a service of worship “fleece throw.”

Befriending and having relationship with doctors, attorneys, teachers and people from all walks of life has convinced me that there are many ways to serve God that have nothing to do with some formulaic clerical calling.

Worship is more than church, or at least it should be. If we mistake the act of worship with a building, a liturgy or a certain style, we have missed the point of why it exists.

If, as the recent studies by Pew and Barna indicate, we, the American Church, are in decline, does it indicate that we have lost our way with regard to our worship practices?

It would be a stretch to assume that’s the cause, but it should be noted that many people have ceased going to church because they can’t see the point of it.

That, friends, may be our fault.

It’s an old ecclesiastical shoe, but let’s kick it one more time. If our worship services have become largely entertaining, then we may have set ourselves up for failure.

Good grief, let’s give people something to do!