10 Prayer Points for Your Praise and Worship Team

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8. Pray the enemy will not lure them into pride.

The line between giving your absolute all to God in worship and appearing to be performing can be razor thin. Pray the Lord’s protection around those who lead.

9. Pray the sung word will set the table for the spoken word.

These tasks are not exclusive; they are complementary. Both matter.

10. Pray someone will say “thanks” to the worship leaders this weekend.

Pray this prayer, and then you be the first one to express gratitude.

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Chuck Lawlesshttp://www.chucklawless.com/
Chuck Lawless currently serves as Professor of Evangelism and Missions and Dean of Graduate Studies at Southeastern Seminary. You can connect with Dr. Lawless on Twitter @Clawlessjr and on at facebook.com/CLawless.

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