How to Improve Singing Pitch – 7 Great Tips

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4. Match your pitch while playing piano

If you want to learn how to improve singing pitch take time to play your notes and parts on a piano, sing along, and match the pitch. Learning to listen and match pitches will drastically improve your singing pitch.

5. Record yourself singing

Most people can hear pitch problems in other people, but sometimes they miss it in their own singing. Recording yourself allows you to have a different perspective on hearing your own voice. Be warned: Most people don’t like the sound of their own voice at first. Don’t let that discourage you. Record yourself and learn to really listen to your pitch.

6. Hire a teacher

Having a professional help guide you and give you advice is invaluable. They will hear and see things that you might miss. They will give you consistent guidance and insight over a longer period of time and spot any bad habits that you might have developed. If you are serious about singing, a good vocal coach is well worth the money.

7. Practice, practice, practice; Sing, sing, sing

Confidence comes with repetition. Great singing doesn’t happen by accident. Great singers practice over and over. They are constantly singing and improving. The reason they can sing with confidence is that they have developed their skills in private. Many, many hours are spent in personal practice to develop the skills that make it look effortless on stage.

Singing is like most things in life…the more you do it, the better you get.

Bonus advice for live performances: Make sure you hear the main accompaniment instrument (piano, guitar, strings, bass, etc.) well in your monitor mix. It’s hard to match your pitch if you’re not hearing properly.


Check out Mark Cole’s new book: Leading Worship ~ Notes from a Grand Adventure. It is now available in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions. This is a great gift for the 7 Keys to Improving Singing Pitchmusician or worshiper in your life.

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Mark Cole
Jesus follower, Husband, Father, Worship Leader, Writer, Pastor, Church Consultant, Founding Arranger for, squash & tennis player, blogger & outdoor enthusiast.. (biking, hiking, skiing). Twitter: @MarkMCole Facebook: mmcole

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