10. They don’t allow the worship band to just play music and not worship
The modern worship band is a team. You are only as strong as your weakest link. You need everyone on stage to be a worshiper. It communicates so much to your congregation.
11. They don’t spend time feeling sorry for themselves when things don’t go perfectly
Mistakes will happen. Learn from your mistakes but don’t allow them to bring you or the team down. You need to get over negative attitudes and problems quickly. Remember what Paul said: “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”
12. They don’t blame the band or other people when there are problems
Good leaders take the main blame for problems. They realize that with a better rehearsal and preparation, most problems can be avoided. Don’t play the blame game, take responsibility and do better next time.
13. They don’t worry about pleasing everyone
You will rarely please everyone. Do the best you can, make the best decisions you are capable of and move on. There will always be negative critics, but good leaders keep their ears open for good constructive criticism that will help them grow.
14. They don’t dwell on past mistakes and problems
The devil loves to bring up your past mistakes and sins. Nobody is perfect, repent and let the past be in the past. Dwelling on your past mistakes can paralyze you. God wants you to forget the past and move on to the great things He has in store for you.
15. They don’t make the same mistakes over and over
You will learn more from your problems and mistakes than your successes. Learn from your mistakes and move on. Experience is one of the best teachers.
16. They don’t resent other people’s success
“Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep.” We are here to build God’s kingdom, not our own. When another brother or sister in the kingdom does well, rejoice with them. Resentment is a negative emotion that God doesn’t honor.
17. They don’t give up after a failure
Never, ever, give up. God is on your side. Everyone fails sometime. Just get up, learn and keep on going! Never, ever, give up!
18. They don’t expect immediate results
Good congregations and worship bands are not built in a day. God’s normal way is for us to build little by little, day by day. If you and your team keep improving day by day and week by week, good things will happen.
Bonus: They don’t put themselves in compromising situations
Maintaining moral purity in ministry will make you or break you. Too many have fallen into the trap of developing unhealthy relationships. Rick Warren has a great list titled “10 Commandments to Help Church Staff Maintain Moral Integrity.” Anyone involved in praise and worship leadership would be wise to follow his advice.
Question: What other things does a strong praise and worship leader avoid?
This article on praise and worship leadership originally appeared here, and is used by permission. Check out Mark’s book on praise and worship leadership: Leading Worship—Notes From a Grand Adventure. It’s vailable in Kindle or Soft Cover Editions. This is a great gift for the musician or worshiper in your life.