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Developing Worship Night Ideas for Your Church

Make sure people get engaged with prayer. Give them prayer points on the screen. Have them break into groups. Challenge them to lift their voice loud for 60 seconds. Whatever it takes, plan engaging prayer.

5. Centralize the Word of God

If you want people to leave transformed, you need to centralize the Word of God. Human insight will only take you so far. We want to leave people immersed in God’s Word.

For our live recording, we produced a Scripture video of Philippians 3:7-14. It’s amazing to see people connect with Scripture. Don’t allow your service to pass without centering on God’s Word.

6. Be Sensitive to the Holy Spirit in the Moment

I can’t stress how crucial this is. Every worship service is different. No setlist can just be cut and pasted from meeting to meeting. God wants to do a new thing every time. Stand in the moment and listen. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

Then be bold and speak out what he says. Most of the time, this will be terrifying. But God will show up in a powerful way.

7. Do Something Different

What can you do that will mark this worship night as being different? Give it its own stamp of uniqueness.

Last year we did a young adult worship night where we passed out journals to everyone in the room. We played an acoustic set and encouraged people to find a quiet place, listen to the Holy Spirit, and write what they heard. It was amazing.

Think outside the box.

8. Recruit Help

The best way to spread buzz for your cause is to get others engaged. You want people to own it. Recruit help. Give people responsibility. Take this beyond what your own hands can accomplish.

Working with a team can oftentimes be more difficult. But there’s nothing more rewarding than to climb a mountain with friends. You look back and see what God accomplished through you. Amazing.

Question: How often does your church have extended worship nights? What creative worship night ideas have you used?


This article about worship night ideas originally appeared here, and is used by permission