Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative 8 Significant Tips To Improve Your Worship

8 Significant Tips To Improve Your Worship

3. Bible-saturated life.

Studying the Word should not be an interruption to your day. Rather, your day should be determined by the study of the Word.

4. Dependence upon the Holy Spirit.

Jesus wants you to live by the Spirit. When we do, we will see life properly and glorify God consistently.

5. Commitment to worship with the church.

Worship is more than a one-hour service on Sunday but it does include it. Don’t make it an option among a bunch of hobbies. Worshiping with your church family needs to be a priority because God is worth it.

6. Multifaceted understanding of God’s mission.

Like a diamond has many surfaces and angles, so does God’s mission. It is for here and there and everywhere.

7. Eternal perspective of God’s justice.

We should embrace that all sin and evil deserves to be punished. Whether it’s my sin or injustice in a culture, we live with the hope that God will make all things right one day.

8. Death-defying passion for God’s glory.

We are called to die to ourselves. We must set down the childish attitudes of needing to be notified and validated by the world. Instead, let’s focus our lives on making God famous. No matter the cost, the destination, the assignment or the expenditure of our lives, His glory must be preeminent in us and in the world.


This article on ways to worship better originally appeared here.