Home Worship & Creative Leaders Articles for Worship & Creative 5 Bedtime Prayers That Will Change Your Life

5 Bedtime Prayers That Will Change Your Life

Bedtime Prayers #5: A Prayer of Protection

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you (Psalm 56:3).

Father, sleep is a reminder that I depend on you completely for protection. I cannot keep my heart beating or my lungs breathing throughout the night. I am totally dependent on you to sustain me and protect me. When I sleep, I am putting myself completely and fully in your hands.

Please protect me through the night, as well as those in my family. Keep us safe from Satan and his schemes. Keep our bodies working properly. Let us wake in the morning energized and in good health.

Thank you for the many ways you protected me through this day. Please continue that protection through the night. I entrust myself completely to you and your good, sovereign, almighty hands. Nothing can separate me from you or take me out of your good plans.

The God Who Gives Sleep

God is so good to give us sleep, isn’t he? Not only does it allow our bodies to recharge, but it also enables us to freshly connect with our good, loving Father. Let me encourage you to make these bedtime prayers part of your nightly routine. Obviously, you don’t need to say them all every night, and you don’t need to say them word for word.

But take the opportunity to freshly depend on God, entrust yourself to him, give thanks to him, confess your sins, and trust in him for protection.

May your sleep be sweet indeed.

This article originally appeared here.