Church is in the Way

I’m in New York City.
Nobody cares about your sermon series title here.
Nobody cares about your lights and haze here.
Nobody cares what conference you spoke at here.
Nobody cares what you name your church here.

It is actually the complete opposite of Atlanta, GA.
They are too busy for your church.
They are too overwhelmed for your small groups.
They are too cynical for your New Members Class.
They are too smart for your 3 point sermons.

Church is in the way.
How can we make it essential in a culture that is way beyond hanging out on a Sunday morning for an hour?
And Atlanta…you’re not far behind.
It’s time to start asking the hard questions…
The generation coming up is the least churched generation in the history of our country.
We are not cutting it.
I don’t think I’m a prophet, I’m just a guy asking questions and hearing answers everyday from those outside our church walls.
Your numbers last weekend should do nothing for your confidence.

How do we stop the decline and reach a generation that is no where near in needing a good time on a Sunday morning?