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Revamping Communication Arts Volunteerism…

It’s important to provide people with good information, so they can make good decisions about where to serve with their time and talents. (I’ve talked about it before.) And, recently, we realized that the information we were publishing about our Communication Arts and Tech Ops teams was tired and tardy (out of date). So, we took inventory inside of what’s changed (structure, tools and objectives) and looked outside to other people and places we dig for some ideas and inspiration. After all that, here’s what we came up with for our Communication Arts Teams.

  • Search
    When people are just browsing all opportunities to choose from, they don’t need detailed documentation about every department, every team in that department and every role on that team. What they need are some big picture tools that help them scan and move towards a general area of interest. A one page overview is perfect introduction to what happens in our department for Tier 1 fact-finding and self-sorting.
  • Invite
    Once someone has their interest piqued for a particular department and wants to take a next step, we drilldown into more detail about various team opportunities & expectations in each department. It’s a Tier 2 sort/filtering tool.
  • Serve
    Once someone is serving on a particular team and/or in a particular role, we’ll provide guidelines document as needed. Here’s a sample of what we’re working on for our social media teams. It’s a Tier 3 unifying/clarifying tool.

Wondering where we landed with Tech Ops? Glad you asked. Jason shares the scoop: part 1 and part 2.