Stop. Drop. Roll.

The past 6 months have been both amazing and yet exhausting at the same time.

Working at the church, we talk a lot about “sprint, then rest,” “sprint, then rest.” And for the most part, that’s the ebb and flow we find ourselves in. But the past 6 months have been more like “sprint, then sprint some more.” Not because of poor leadership or unrealistic expectations – just because that was the season we found ourselves in. For me, it was an aggressive summer agenda that rolled right into the AND Conference and then right into the Christmas Production.

It occurred to me the other day, this is why people get burned out and become less effective…

So how is it that our team seems to keep sprinting without the burnout? I thought long and hard about it and came to this conclusion: We have learned how to Stop. Drop. Roll.


When things get a little crazy, the first thing you need to do is “stop” for a variety of reasons. Stop what you are doing long enough to look up and see the forest for the trees. Reacquaint yourself with the big picture – the mission, vision, and values. Then actually stop doing some things. Chances are when you’re stressed out and feel like there is too much to get done, there are probably things you’re doing that aren’t urgent or important.


Next, drop those things that aren’t necessary. Or even if something is necessary, can it be trimmed down to the bare essentials? Take this opportunity to review some of your systems and processes. You’ll be amazed how much “fat” can be trimmed along the way.


Finally, roll out the new plan and roll with the punches. Your plan should make your life a bit easier and ensure you are working on the right stuff. The punches are going to come no matter what. But with an improved plan and a trimmed down agenda, you’ll be able to take them standing up and not hit the floor.

Happy Holidays!