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A Silly Idea Might Be The One That Saves You

I’ve been in too many creative meetings where someone tossed out a wacky idea and got slammed for it.  “Bob, what a stupid idea.  That will never work.”  “It’s too expensive.”  “That’s nuts – what are you thinking?”  You’ve heard the lines before.  The problem is, when you slam someone’s idea – especially early in the process, here’s what happens:

That person shuts down.  He or she won’t be so willing to share another idea.

Why is that a problem?  Because their next idea could be the one that’s gold.  It could be the one that saves the project.  Plus, in many cases, what seemed like a crazy idea at first, is the perfect solution later on.

In a brainstorming session, get ALL the ideas on the table.  Encourage, motivate, and inspire your people.  Don’t criticize, intimidate, or embarrass anyone.  Because making fun of a crazy idea now could easily shut down the future idea that could change everything.