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Are You Trying Too Hard to Get Noticed?

One of the most important aspects of branding is being different – understanding that you’re unique. God has given you a DNA that’s all your own and to spend time trying to be like someone else only delays discovering who you really are. But some take that advice way too far. I saw an interview some time ago on Christian TV with a pastor who had refocused his entire ministry around “atmosphere.” He said he’d discovered the importance of atmosphere in the Bible, and realized that unless the atmosphere is right, then God simply won’t show up.

So he went to great lengths to explain why atmosphere is important in the church, in small groups, and in your personal spiritual life. And he outlined all the steps he takes to ensure the atmosphere is right every time he preaches – lighting, colors, temperature, candles, etc…

It all sounded well thought out, except it was bunk. In his effort to seem unique and different, he latched onto something incredibly minor and took it way out of context and perspective. A nice atmosphere is great in a restaurant or your office, but God doesn’t seem to care when it comes to ministry. He shows up in the most difficult situations, circumstances, and places that you can imagine. Just ask missionaries on the front lines of ministry.

So being unique and different is about what you bring to the table – your background, your expertise, your experience. It’s not about grabbing something crazy and making it the cornerstone of your life, business, or ministry.

Be unique, but don’t be stupid.