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The Kind Of Obedience That Pleases God

“Not only did Jesus do the will of the Father, not only was that His whole goal in life, but Psalm 40:8 tells us that He delighted to do the will of the Father. To become like Jesus, then, is to come to the place where we delight to do the will of God, however sacrificial or unpleasant that will may seem to us at the time, simply because it is His will.” — Jerry Bridges

God doesn’t want us merely to serve him; how we serve him matters.

God commands us to serve him with gladness. He loves cheerful givers and wholehearted servants.

God isn’t pleased when we serve him with clenched teeth or grumbling in our hearts.  It doesn’t bless him when our attitude is okay God, I’ll do what you want, but I won’t be happy about it.  If I were God I’d probably say at times, “If it’s so tedious and miserable to serve me then don’t bother.”

We’re all tempted to serve the Lord joylessly. It might be going to our small group at the end of a long day. Or playing with our kids  when we’d rather relax. Or caring for that weak believer at an inconvenient time.

How we need the power of the Holy Spirit to serve the Lord with gladness.

By the power the Holy Spirit, we can find delight in blessing our enemies. We can enthusiastically care for that constantly needy person. By the power the Holy Spirit we can give generously even when we’re tight, and pour out our lives for others when we’re tired.

So pray! Ask the Lord to help you delight to do his will.

Whatever it is, no matter how difficult it is, Remember what God requires he empowers us to do. When we ask God to help us delight to do his will, and then step out in faith and obey, he changes our hearts. Remember, God is out to make you like Jesus, who delighted to do his will. And God will not fail.