God Takes Pleasure In You

For the LORD takes pleasure in his people;
he adorns the humble with salvation.
(Psalm 149:4)

Do you believe God takes pleasure in you?

If God has saved you, he doesn’t merely tolerate you; he delights in you.

The God who said, “It is good,” after each day of creation doesn’t need us to bring him pleasure.  He could make another universe for his enjoyment if he wanted to.  But he takes pleasure in us who are his children more than a thousand universes.  Why?  Because he has adorned us with salvation.  He has recreated us in the likeness of his Son.  He’s clothed us with the righteousness of Christ, who is more beautiful than an infinite number of universes.

God doesn’t merely put up with you; he positively rejoices over you, delights in you, takes pleasure in you.  Yes, you – you bring pleasure to God.  So be humble.  Thank him for adorning you with salvation.  Take pleasure in him today.