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Keep Calm and Carry On . . . Trusting the True King

by Josh Blount

It’s over. No more political ads, no more debates, no more polls, and no more chances to vote. Election Day 2012 has passed.

As we who are Christian citizens read the headlines this morning, we are presented with a unique opportunity. Like all our fellow citizens, we recognize the importance of a presidential election. Whether you voted for Romney, Obama, or are still clutching your Ron Paul bumper sticker, each of us recognizes that our re-elected President Obama will have significant power and influence on the course of our nation over the next four years. We should pray for him as the Lord has commanded us to do in 1 Timothy 2:1-3.

But unlike non-Christians who will greet the election results with jubilation or despair, we know that no president can be our hope for the future. Presidents come, presidents go – but King Jesus remains upon his throne forever. Nothing threatens his rule, either in heaven or on the earth. He is the ruler of the kings on earth (Revelation 1:5) and the head over all things for the sake of the church (Ephesians 1:22).

No political party or political leader can thwart his purpose to advance the gospel through every nation. No misguided policies can prevent him from doing good to his people. He directs the hearts of kings, dictators, and presidents like an engineer redirecting a stream of water (Proverbs 21:1).

So Christian, here’s the opportunity we have in the coming days and weeks. First, as you consider the election results today, pause to glory in this truth: you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. You are a citizen of Heaven (Philippians 3:20), and whether your presidential candidate has won or lost, your Savior still reigns.

And then, as you talk about the election with your unbelieving friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors, display your confidence in a kingdom that is unshakeable, in a Leader who was not elected but declared to be King of kings and Lord of lords by his death and resurrection on our behalf. This election gives us a unique opportunity to proclaim our trust and confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ to a country that will either despair for the future or place its hope in an earthly ruler. May we display a different and better hope.

To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Timothy 1:17)