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4 Steps to a Better Social Media Bio

The biography you write for your various social media platforms is critical for connecting you with people. In many cases, you don’t have much space, and with platforms like Twitter, an intriguing bio is one of the top reasons people decide to follow you. And yet, most people put very little thought into a good social media bio.  Here’s some key suggestions:

1. Use a good photo – and it should be a close up. Most social media bios only have space for a very tiny photo. I’m constantly amazed at the wacky shots people use on Twitter that you can’t possibly recognize or understand. You can have fun, but be clear who you are.

2. If growing and developing your brand is important, then use your real name. Creating a silly Twitter account like “Steve Martin’s Banjo” can be funny, but it’s not helping get your name out there. Social media is too important for extending your brand to ignore this.

3. You don’t have to be realistic. In other words, your bio can be cute, satirical, or ironic, as long as it describes you. Here’s what some consider the 20 all time best Twitter bios. If you know any of these people, you know these short bios actually describe them. Granted, this is a more viable approach if you’re well known. Even if you’re unknown, be creative, but write a bio that helps people understand who you are and what you do.

4. Finally – keep it updated. If you write a new book, release a new album, or complete a significant project, update your bio immediately. Remember – social media is a powerful marketing tool, so let the world know what you’re doing.

Any good suggestions I’ve missed?