Home Worship & Creative Leaders Worship & Creative Blogs 6 Things You Should Never Do on Facebook

6 Things You Should Never Do on Facebook

Although it infuriates me sometimes, there are plenty of wonderful things you can do on Facebook from connecting with friends to having a full blown social media strategy. But from time to time, it’s good to be reminded of the things you should never do. Here’s six of those things to consider:

1. Shameless self-promotion. Promoting your book, project, idea, or new accomplishment isn’t a bad thing, but do it too much and it gets old quickly in social media. The general rule is 10-1: Ten posts about others for every one post about you.

2. Criticize your boss or a co-worker. In a digital world, word travels fast, and you never know the damage it can cause you or your reputation. (Remember: Bosses and co-workers use Facebook too.)

3. Post compromising photos. One of the greatest challenges twenty something’s face today are job interviews after posting their lives on Facebook. Those scantily clad pictures of you getting drunk during Spring Break in Mexico may have seemed funny then, but to a prospective employer, not so much.

4. Assume your “Facebook Friends” are REAL friends. A few years ago, a young man showed up at my office expecting to hang out with me. I’d never met him, but because we’re “friends” on Facebook, he completely assumed I’d drop everything and spend time with him. We almost called the police because he was so stunned at my reaction he almost became violent.

5. Spend unlimited time on Facebook. Studies indicate that social media may be destroying the study habits of this generation of students, and distraction is becoming an incredible challenge in the workplace. Have fun, but limit your time on social media. One particular study indicates that multitasking drops your I.Q. to the same level as if you were smoking pot. Your people space is far more valuable than your digital space, so keep the balance.

6. Post another Cat Video. I will come after you. I promise.